Como se diz em inglês... À medida que o tempo passa... = As time passes by Casamento Real = Royal Wedding (e não Real Wedding) Está chegando o grande dia = Here comes the Big Day The Big Day is coming. Muitos de nós = Many of us Parque de Diversão = Amusement Park (e não Diversion Park) Ao longo dos anos = Over the years Ao longo dessa trajetória = Along the way Participar ativamente = It has been extremely involved with Instituições de Caridade = Charities (e charities institutions) That's all folks! Prof. Marcos Aurélio |
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011
Fairytale Countdown to the Royal Wedding Kate and William will marry on April 29 in London, in front of kings, princes and heads of state [1] from around the world
It is normal for the bride [2] and groom [3] to get nervous and anxious in the days leading up to their wedding. But in the case of Prince William, the nervousness is perhaps somewhat amplified. In late March he confessed to the British press that he has had trouble sleeping. This nervousness is with good reason: the images of his marriage to Kate Middleton will be beamed [4] around the world. The ceremony will be held on April 29, at Westminster Abbey, in London . About 1,900 people, including relatives, friends, kings, and heads of state from around the world have been invited to the wedding. After the ceremony there will be a reception for 600 guests [5] at Buckingham Palace. Among the guests are celebrities such as singer Elton John and the couple David and Victoria Beckham. William and Kate do not want to get any wedding gifts. The couple has asked guests to make donations to charities.
Courtship began in Scotland
William met Kate in 2001 when both were students at St. Andrews University , in Scotland . Two years later they started dating. Speculation about a possible marriage lasted so long that the British press dubbed [6] Kate "Waity Katy." This long courtship [7] has gone through several crises over the past few years but finally, in October 2009, William asked Kate to marry him during a vacation in Kenya.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 60 da Revista Maganews. Picture - Prince William and Kate Middleton official engagement portrait – by Mario Testino
Vocabulary 1 heads of state – chefes de estado 2 bride – noiva 3 groom – noivo 4 to beam (emitir / irradiar) - to be beamed – ser transmitido 5 guest – convidado 6 to dub – apelidar 7 courtship - relacionamento Fonte: |
terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011
O que “CHICKEN OUT” quer dizer?
Cf. Mais Expressões Idiomáticas Fonte: |
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
13 frases feitas para quem quer falar inglês
Brazil wants to take advantage of the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 to double the number of visitors to the country
In July the Brazilian Tourism Company (Embratur) announced the launch of a major marketing campaign to promote Primeira parte da matéria, publicada na edição de número 56 da Revista Maganews. Foto – Pedro Kirilo / Riotur Áudio – Haley Alcântara (from Vocabulary 1 to boost – expandir / "turbinar" / aumentar 2 to christen – batizar / colocar um nome 3 goal – meta 4 to spend longer – passar mais tempo 5 spending – gastar / gastando 6 to forecast – prever / projetar 7 to earn - faturar 8 ten times – 10 vezes mais… 9 to climb - subir Fonte: |